Anna City Council updated on recreational complex

Plans for the development of a new recreational complex highlighted discussion at this week's regular meeting of the Anna City Council.

The meeting was Tuesday night at Anna City Hall.

Union County Recreational Corporation, UCRC, president John Bigler met with the council and presented an update on the proposed project.

Bigler shared information which is highlighted on the organization's recently developed website, <a href=""></a>.

The website notes that the main focus of the project at this point is developing a 13-acre piece of ground (donated by The Cunningham Foundation) into a recreational complex for all of Union County to utilize.

Phase I of the project is the development of five playing fields. The fields could be utilized for sports such as soccer, flag football, t-ball and church softball league.

Also included in Phase I will be a walking trail around the fields, playground area and a parking area with approximately 134 parking spaces.

The estimated cost for Phase I is $200,000.

The complex is located at the east end of Brady Mill Road in Anna.

UCRC believes the project, when completed, will be an asset for all of Union County.

It is hoped that the facility could be used to attract other communities and teams from outside of Union County for special events or sporting tournaments. Such events could provide a boost for the local economy.

"At this point, we're asking for community support" of the project, Bigler told the council. "We truly want this to be something for the entire community."

Ultimately, Bigler said UCRC hopes that it can join the City of Anna in a partnership which will benefit development of the recreational complex.

Bigler emphasized that the project is designed to complement and add to the recreational resources the city already has available.

The city has a number of ball fields which are widely used at its park in Anna.

Anna Mayor Steve Hartline voiced support for the project. "I think the city needs to be behind this," Hartline said. The mayor said it was "very crucial" for the city "to take some interest in this."

City officials agreed to continue discussion about the project with UCRC.

Donations accepted

Donations for the proposed Union County Recreational Corporation project in Anna are being accepted.

Now, those wanting to make donations can do so on the corporation's website.

The website, and more information, can be found at <a href=""></a>.

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