Braving the cold
Last Saturday morning wasn't the most ideal time to be standing outdoors. The temperature was very cold, light snow flurries were falling and a chilly wind was blowing.
Nevertheless, more than a hundred people gathered on the grounds of the Union County Courthouse in Jonesboro. Folks came to look for bargains at a surplus property auction sponsored by the county. The auction generated more than $45,000, which will go to the county highway department. We salute those who braved the cold, and maybe even made a bid.
The auction was yet another step in the ongoing process involved in the construction of a new courthouse in Union County. We look forward to continued progress on the development of the courthouse.
<strong>The Gift of Life</strong>
The American Red Cross is looking for a few good folks – make that a lot of good folks – to be blood donors.
The Red Cross reports that severe winter weather has forced the cancellation of hundreds of blood drives in the eastern part of the United States. The cancellations have caused a shortfall of more than 8,000 blood donations.
Area residents can help by being donors at an American Red Cross blood drive which is scheduled for Thursday, Feb. 10, at the First Baptist Church in Anna. The drive will be from noon to 6 p.m. Make a note, and consider giving the Gift of Life.