Coounty plans surplus property auction

Part of the process involved in the construction a new Union County courthouse includes finding temporary homes for the county's offices – and permanent homes for some items which no longer are needed.

The county had acquired several buildings adjacent to the existing courthouse in Jonesboro which will be serving as temporary office spaces as the courthouse project moves forward.

And on Saturday, Jan. 22, a surplus auction is scheduled to find new homes for a wide variety of items.

The auction is set for 10:10 a.m. Saturday on Mississippi Street behind the existing courthouse.

Saturday's sale will be conducted by 3D Auctions of Anna.

One of the items which will be sold is a steel frame building which has served the Union County Highway Department for many years. The building will need to be moved.

The auction handbill also features trucks and equipment, tools, office supplies, and "antique and primitive" items.

A 5,000-gallon fuel tank is on the list of items to be sold.

Also available is a metal building, which must be removed after the sale.

The list of items on the handbill was continuing to grow as each county official went through his or her office.

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