Keeping history alive
The 150th anniversary of the Civil War was commemorated with a series of special programs and activities last weekend in Union County.
The Civil War Weekend at the Anna Arts Center brought together a wide range of guest speakers, as well as special exhibits, displays – and even a musical about the life and times of Abraham Lincoln.
Attention was particularly focused on the impact of the Civil War on the lives of the people of Union County.
As we have noted many times before, and will continue to do, history can happen right here in our own backyard.
In this era of instant communication and immediate awareness of events unfolding around the world, it is important to recognize that what happens on Main Streets in Union County is part of our very own history and legacy.
We take this opportunity once again to salute all of those who were involved in contributing to the success of the Civil War Weekend – and to all of those who help to keep our history alive.