Local cultural history tour planned
<p class="p1">A Pine Hills Cultural History Tour with Kay Rippelmeyer-Tippy is set for Sunday, Feb. 7, from1 p.m. to 3 p.m.</p><p class="p1">It begins at Trail of Tears - the white barn. Meet at Murdale Shopping Center in Carbondale and sign in by 12:15 PM to caravan to Trail of Tears State Park.</p><p class="p1">They will drive through Trail of Tears State Forest, Camp Hutchins CCC site, Pines Hills, Big Muddy Levee Rd, etc., stopping at various places for short interpretive talks by Kay. </p><p class="p1">Both the natural and cultural history of those areas will be discussed, including the history of the Native Americans, first settlers, the CCCcamps, the Hermit of Pine Hills, etc. </p><p class="p1">Kay is a local historian and author of <em>The Civilian Conservation Corps in Southern Illinois. RSVP to Steve Eberhart at</em> <a href="mailto:eberpsy@icloud.com"><span class="s1"><em>eberpsy@icloud.com</em></span></a> <em>or call 618-967-8690. Free and open to the public with registration.</em></p>