Mississippi River

Replicas of two ships used by Christopher Columbus are scheduled to be in the region this fall. The replicas of the Nina and Pinta are scheduled to arrive Thursday, Sept. 28, at the Mississippi River front in Cape Girardeau. The Cape Girardeau Convention and Visitors Bureau reported that on Friday...
Flood warnings continued last week for the Ohio and Mississippi rivers in the region. The website for the National Weather Service office in Paducah reported on May 31 that a flood warning continued for the Ohio River at the Grand Chain dam and at Cairo. The warning for the Ohio River affected...
A couple of fellow travelers on The Journey Through Life recently shared the accompanying map with me. The map, featuring Union County, dates to 1876, a time when men were men, including General George Armstrong Custer, who should have been a much smarter man. Just sayin'...
This week, let's start with some words of wisdom... ...what once was lost, now is found... ...third time's a charm... ...seek, and ye shall find... ...and a thought or two from your intrepid scribe in response to the thoughts, including an explanation for the big ol' map you see this week... What...
Flood warnings continued this week for the Mississippi and Big Muddy rivers in Southern Illinois and Southeast Missouri. Union County is bordered by both of the rivers. The National Weather Service office at Paducah reported early this week on its website that a flood warning for the Mississippi...
Work was being done Saturday, May 6, to stabilize a sand boil situation along the Mississippi River levee near Wolf Lake.
Recent spring downpours and flooding have caused around $500,000 in damage in Union County. An update on the flooding – and the damage that it caused – was shared at last week’s regular meeting of the Union County Board of Commissioners. The meeting was Friday morning at the Union County Courthouse...
The accompanying picture was taken along the Mississippi River levee west of Wolf Lake in Union County. The picture was taken Saturday, May 6, when the Mississippi River was nearing its crest.
Flood waters have been receding in the region – river levels rose throughout the area following recent heavy rainfall. Flood conditions have been occurring along both the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. Flooding also has occurred on numerous tributaries of both of those major rivers. The accompanying...
Snack bar? I'm guessing, and it truly is a guess, that these birds found a watery snack bar on the Refuge Drive. The feathered critters didn't seem the least bit concerned about having their picture taken.
This week, you get two thousand words, more or less. Clean and simple. Well, only if you happen to believe that a picture is worth a thousand words. As you may have heard, we've been having another one of our once every 500 years or so floods. I think this year's flood event would the second once...
Volunteers worked last Saturday on a sand boil along the Mississippi River levee west of Wolf Lake. The sand boil was on the east side of the levee, between the river and the Union County community. The work done at the site was seen as a more permanent solution to a recurring problem.
A voluntary evacuation order for all of the areas of Union County which were affected by the recent threat of flooding conditions was lifted Monday afternoon, May 8. The order was lifted at 4 p.m. Monday in a statement issued by Union County Sheriff Scott Harvel and Union County Board of...
Water rushed over a ford at the Trail of Tears State Forest last Saturday morning following a night of very heavy rain fall.
Union County officials were hoping for the best as major flood conditions were in the forecast this week for the Mississippi and Big Muddy rivers in Southern Illinois. The hopeful outlook came even as forecasts were calling for the possibility of more heavy rain on Wednesday and Thursday, today....
Flood warnings remained in effect in the region this week for the Mississippi and Ohio rivers. The National Weather Service office in Paducah last week issued flood warnings for both rivers. Recent heavy rainfall upstream on both rivers was leading to rising levels on both rivers. Union County is...


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