Southern Seven: Time to have medical exams missed due to COVID

Southern Seven Health Department says that if you have been avoiding, or even cancelled, routine medical exams and cancer screenings due to COVID-19, make time during January to schedule medical appointments for the year and get your health back on track. 

The health department said in a news release that according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, by June 30, 2020, because of concerns about COVID-19, an estimated 41 percent (that’s 4 in 10) of U.S. adults had delayed or avoided medical care, including urgent or emergency care (12 percent) and routine care (32 percent). 

This delay or avoidance of medical care could increase illnesses and deaths associated with both chronic and acute health conditions for years to come, the health department advised. 

While doctors are reporting in-person appointments are increasing, many patients still haven’t rescheduled annual exams such as colonoscopies, mammograms, and eye and dental exams.  

Southern Seven Health Departments advises area residents that medical offices continue to take every precaution to keep you and your family safe, and encourage you to call if you have any questions.   

To help make the most of your scheduling time, Southern Seven Health Department has provided a brief list of the most common medical exams to consider when planning your appointment.   

Talk with your doctor to find out what exams are right for you based on your particular health situation.

Here’s a look at the most common medical exams to consider:  

A wellness check-up to determine current health issues and next steps of care. Annual cancer screenings, including colonoscopies, mammograms, gynecologic, prostate, skin and others. You can also request a free at-home colon cancer screening kit from Southern Seven Health Department.

An eye examination.

A hearing check.

A dental examination and cleaning.

An immunizations update, including flu, pneumonia and shingles.

While it’s normal to still have concerns about COVID-19, visiting your doctor is safe to do, the health department advises. 

Continue to take precautions against the virus, such as wearing a mask, watching your social distance and washing your hands.  

And if you still need your COVID-19 shot or booster, call Southern Seven Health Department at 618-634-2297 to schedule an appointment near you. For more information about COVID-19, visit the health department online at 

The Gazette-Democrat

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Anna, Illinois 62906
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