State education board views preliminary PARCC results
Members of the Illinois State Board of Education, ISBE, had the opportunity at an Aug. 25 meeting to view the preliminary state-level results from the 2015-16 Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, PARCC, assessment.
The initial release was part of a commitment to transparency and collaboration with districts and schools, which are working to understand their own data in relationship to overall state data.
The PARCC assessment focuses on students’ mastery of key concepts as well as their critical thinking and writing skills.
Education officials said PARCC will continue to measure the full range of standards.
The assessment will also provide valuable information about whether students are mastering the knowledge and skills they need to stay on the path for success in college and/or their chosen career field.
The Illinois Report Card, which is scheduled to be available at the end of October, will include finalized statewide, district- and school-level data.
Districts have been using individual student results for the past several weeks to help guide instructional decisions for students.
ISBE does not yet have any individual school or district data to report as districts are still partaking in the data clean-up process.
Assessments are simply one measure to track progress, and data from the PARCC assessment provides a clearer picture of where Illinois schools are succeeding and what areas need improvement.
The second year of results will help teachers and parents determine if a student requires remediation or more advanced instruction earlier in his or her schooling, ensuring they graduate from high school ready for college and career.