State, federal sites open for 2022 youth waterfowl hunting seasons
Numerous Illinois state parks, state fish and wildlife areas, state conservation areas and state recreation areas are scheduled to be open to youth waterfowl hunting across the state in 2022, the Illinois Department of Natural Resources, IDNR, has announced.
The sites can be found in the South Central, South, North and Central youth waterfowl hunt zones.
At most sites, regulations that apply during the regular waterfowl hunting season apply during the youth hunt.
IDNR said that hunters should check for changes to site-specific regulations and procedures. During the youth hunt, bag limits are the same as during regular seasons.
In keeping with federal regulations, youth waterfowl hunters 17 or younger may hunt ducks, geese, coots and mergansers as long as they are accompanied by an adult at least 18 years of age. The accompanying adult cannot hunt these species but may participate in other open seasons if allowed at the site.
Youth hunters must have a valid hunting license, youth hunting license or apprentice hunting license. Youth waterfowl hunters aged 16 and older must have a federal duck stamp. Youth waterfowl hunters are not required to have an Illinois duck stamp.
Additional information about hunting license requirements and regulations can be found in the 2022-2023 Digest of Illinois Hunting and Trapping Regulations online at
Special youth hunts taking place through the youth waterfowl hunting permit or other youth-only hunts at IDNR sites are open only to youth hunters ages 10-17.
A Southern Illinois youth waterfowl hunt is scheduled Dec. 28 at the Union County and the Horseshoe Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area.
All other youth hunts are open to anyone 17 and younger.
All waterfowl hunters, including those participating in a youth hunt, are required to register with the Harvest Information Program, HIP.
IDNR said that in order to register with HIP, hunters will need to have their hunting license number available. Hunters should register for HIP at the license vendor when they buy their hunting license or online through the IDNR website at
State and federal sites which are scheduled to be open during 2022 youth waterfowl hunts in the South Central and South zones include:
South Central Zone Youth Waterfowl Hunt, Nov. 5-6
Campbell Pond. Carlyle Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area. Kaskaskia State Fish and Wildlife Area. Kinkaid Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area.
Mississippi River. Oakwood Bottoms. Pyramid State Recreation Area (Captain, Denmark, Galum, and East Conant Units).
Rend Lake Project Land and Waters. Shawnee National Forest. Ten Mile Creek State Fish and Wildlife Area.
South Zone Youth Waterfowl Hunt, Nov. 26-27
Bluff Lakes. Cache River State Natural Area. Cape Bend State Fish and Wildlife Area. Chauncey Marsh State Natural Area.
Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge. Cypress Pond State Natural Area. Deer Pond State Natural Area.
Devil’s Island. Dog Island. Fort Massac (Kerr Farm Unit). Horseshoe Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area (Alexander County).
LaRue Swamp. Mermet Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area. Mississippi River. Newton Lake State Fish and Wildlife Area.
Saline County State Fish and Wildlife Area. Sielbeck Forest State Natural Area. Shawnee National Forest. Union County State Fish and Wildlife Area.
More information about Illinois waterfowl seasons is available in the IDNR 2022-2023 Illinois Digest of Hunting and Trapping Regulations, which is available at IDNR offices and online at
Information about IDNR’s youth waterfowl hunting permit special hunts is available by visiting
IDNR site-specific information hunter fact sheets can be found online at Additional information can be found on the Hunt Illinois website at