Quite honestly, this has nothing to do with meteors falling from the sky in broad daylight. However, it does have to do with Latin, which is supposed to be a dead language, mainly because everybody who speaks it, at least on a regular basis, mortuus est.* The message was posted on a sign which stands on the grounds of the Anna fire and police station.

Please read this. . . Rare fireball and a dead language, too

That figures. A potential harbinger of the apocalypse appears in the sky, right over our heads, AND I MISSED IT.

Of course, maybe you did, too.

A fellow traveler on the Journey Through Life paid a visit to my cubicle last Thursday afternoon and asked if I had seen the meteor.

I am pretty sure that the look on my face suggested that I HAD NOT seen the meteor the fellow traveler was talking about. And, to tell you the truth, I was pretty disappointed to have missed all of the excitement.

One of the ways that I like to waste my time is to go outside and look up in the night time sky when meteor showers occur. 

Most of the time, I just get a stiff neck from having to look up in the sky. One time, though, I did see about a dozen meteors.

Thanks to that wonderful tool called the Internet, I was able to learn a little bit more about last week's big event. 

Oops. Just realized that I typed "Internet." Seems that what has been referred to as the "Internet" is now just plain, old "internet." I guess the internet just isn't as important as it was, say, last month. Oh, well. Give me about 10 years, and I'll be typing internet.

The American Meteor Society's website informed me that hundreds of people in seven states had seen the meteor as it flashed through the sky at around 11:41 a.m. on Monday, June 6.

To tell you the truth, I didn't even know there was an American Meteor Society. So, I guess I actually learned two things during my extensive research.

Anyway, the society reported that the meteor, described as "a rare daylight fireball event," was seen by people "over the Midwestern states of Missouri, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Tennessee, Kentucky and Indiana." (Not to be picky, but I don't consider Tennessee and Kentucky to be "Midwestern states.")

Apparently, about 400 people actually saw the "rare daylight fireball event." Just not this people. Maybe next time...

...which brings us to a message which was posted on a sign which I happened to see one day last week on the Journey Through Life.

The sign was in front of the police and fire (or is it fire and police?) station in Anna. The message on the sign happened to read: "Operor vox res." 

Those three words, and, yes, they really are words, took me back to my junior high and high school days, when, for some reason, I decided to attempt to learn the Latin language. This was necessary because when I was in junior high and high school, the Romans still ruled the world. 

Latin was, and is, considered to be a dead language, mainly because it was spoken by people who are, well, dead. I probably would have been better off studying Spanish, or French or maybe German back in the day, which is proof that hindsight often is 20/20.

"Operor vox res," in case you were wondering, is Latin, more or less, for "do the right thing." In this case, the goal is to promote fire safety, which is a good thing, in any language.

Truth be told, I kind of figured that "operor vox res" was Latin for "you missed the rare daylight fireball event, dummy." Guess not.  Enough for now.


...well, almost...

 (...*if you actually happen to be fluent in Latin, please don't judge me. For one thing, if you are actually reading this, then you indeed are not mortuus, unless our e-edition goes to places that I do not know about, which is entirely possible. If you are indeed mortuus, and you are indeed reading this, I'd like to know, as would many other folks, too. Send me an email.)

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