
While ramblin' around Union County during the 2016 ColorFest celebration way back in October, I spotted this sign at an event in Alto Pass...the message seemed appropriate for this week.
If you happen to be familiar with a routine by comedian/singer/bluegrass music guy Steve Martin that involves a song about a ramblin' man, consider that the soundtrack for this week's colyum... ...a couple of weeks ago, we had a picture in the paper with a caption that mentioned a hard-working...
Mr. Lincoln (or, Mr. Lincoln's statue) peers through a couple of trees at the Lincoln Memorial Picnic Grounds.
Wednesday morning, November 9...the sun rose in the east, just like normal... ...Thursday morning, November 10...the sun rose in the east, just like normal... ...wow. Two days in a row. Life went on. Which was good. Very good. Very reassuring. Given the story which unfolded during the vaguely...
A freight train was about to make its way onto a bridge over the Big Muddy River north of metropolitan Wolf Lake last Friday afternoon.
During a period of about 72 hours last Friday, Saturday and Sunday, I once again came to appreciate why Union County, and Southern Illinois, are such a nice place to call home, especially during autumn. Autumn is pretty much my favorite season. It seems to have taken a little big longer than usual...
A groundhog, AKA Chuck Wood, was enjoying a snack when your intrepid photographer spotted him last weekend. The image might not be the greatest, 'cause it was shot through a screen and a window. Oh, well.
Thank goodness for groundhogs. And the occasional mystery bug. And the occasional message posted on a sign in front of one of our local churches. Last Saturday, while engaged in dish-washing duties, I happened to look out our kitchen window and spotted our neighborhood groundhog. I say it's the...
So, I'm trying to figure out how to make a connection between the utterly bizarre political campaign season which has been torturing us (and is about to come to a merciful conclusion) and the utterly bizarre baseball season (which, also, is about to come to a merciful conclusion). Thanks to the...
Reenactors portrayed soldiers during last weekend's encampment at Fort Massac State Park in Metropolis, which was held during an unusually warm weekend in October.
Saturday was one of those glorious, and totally unanticipated, days which pop up occasionally during the middle of October. Sunday wasn't bad, either. Yours truly and The Other Half made their traditional, annual trek to the Fort Massac Encampment in Metropolis last Saturday morning. We were joined...
So much history to experience. So many books to read. So little time. The Journey on the Road through Life took me on a bit of a trip back in time one day last week, thanks to a visit to the new home of a long-standing Union County business. And, I didn't even need one of those souped up DeLoreans...
This praying mantis was spotted while yours truly was enjoying a nice Sunday afternoon on the front porch...
Sigh... ...I didn't really want to start with a sigh. As I thought about it, a sigh seemed, well, appropriate... For one thing, the Cardinals aren't playing in the postseason. To tell you the truth, it's not that surprising. They just kind of seemed to stumble through the 2016 season. On the other...
A few things up front, before we get started on the "good stuff." First, I just want to say that I really don't want to hear another mention of how the National Football League team known as the Rams has returned "home." The team's "home" was in St. Louis for about 20 some odd years. Before that,...
NOTICE TO READERS: If you happen to be one of those folks who cried during the scene involving the bad ending for Bambi's mother, or if you happen to find the whole "Circle of Life" thing to be "cute," you might want to find something else to do. However, if you happen to be one of those folks who...


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