Other than the pictures, we're going to keep things kind of short and sweet this week...
...by the way...how can it be September already?
Another Union County Fair has come and gone, and as near as this observer could tell, the 2016 edition seemed to go quite well.
And that was a good thing, given...
Two songs flashed through the dust bin between my ears Monday morning as I started to compose this masterpiece. Songs...compose...get it...oh, never mind...
...maybe you know one of the songs...the lyrics implore mommas not to let their sons grow up to be cowboys...
...the other song was featured...
It's deja vu, all over again. In more ways than one.
Deja Vu Numero Uno: we're using deja vu for the second week in a row. Call it Deja Vu, Number Two, just for you.
Deja Vu Numero Two-o: ( know. Two-o really isn't a word. Oh, well.) Didn't we just do the whole too much water everywhere thing?...
Why, you may be asking yourself, are you looking at pictures of feet?
Quite honestly, there are probably a couple of answers to that question. Both of the answers have to do with how yours truly spent part of last Saturday.
For one thing, I don't think that I've ever specifically focused my...
We renewed acquaintances with an old, old friend one day last week.
In this case, "we" involved The Other Half, yours truly and a visitor from Tarheel country, AKA Nawth Carolina.
Our grandson was able to share two weeks of his summer with us in the Land Between the Rivers. As might be expected...
Never, ever, did I think I would find myself where I found myself. OK. Maybe that's just a little bit dramatic.
During the weekend of July 15, 16 and 17, The Other Half and yours truly made another one of our journeys to Kaintuck. We were on a mission, of sorts, but it was a fun sort of mission. A...
This originally was going to be about Pokemon Go. What, you say? You've never heard of Pokemon Go. Good. That is very, very good.
If I understand it correctly, Pokemon Go is some sort of 21st century smartphone craziness which causes people to forget the world around them and, in essence, become...
One day last week, yours truly was motoring home from The Paragraph Factory...
And that's as far as that
...you see, I started to write this one day last week. Apparently, while I was motoring home for lunch, or for some other truly fascinating reason, I experienced something momentous...
So. I was out for a walk one evening last week. Strolled past a house. Door opens.
Out rushes a dog the size of a buffalo. Or, maybe the size of a cute little bunny rabbit. The dog is growling and barking and making sounds one would associate with a predator seeking fresh meat. The dog's eyes are...
This week, we're going on a bit of a time travel adventure.
By it's very nature, the newspaper business allows one to experience time travel. You see, we're pretty much in the business of the past. We rely on what has already happened, especially in the weekly newspaper business. I suppose "news"...