
No blizzard here...a turtle popped its head out of the water, perhaps to take advantage of bright sunshine and 70-degree December weather last Thursday afternoon at the Lincoln Memorial Picnic Grounds in Jonesboro. Might be kind of hard to tell, but the critter appeared to be smiling.
Cue the song...you can find it on YouTube...or wherever you happen to listen to the music of your choice for the moment. “It’s the End of the World as We Know It” by REM. It has to be the end of the world as we know it. Last week, we had record high temperatures for early December. Near 80 degrees...
Captured this stark image of a tree line one morning last week during a visit to the Lincoln Memorial Picnic Grounds in Jonesboro.
This week, we’re having some leftovers...a little bit of this and a little bit of that...just kind of meandering... Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. Still enjoying leftovers? Put whipping cream on them. No matter what they are. Turkey? Stuffing? Great with whipping cream.  Can’t wait until...
Leaves covered the landscape at the intersection of West High and South Green streets in Anna on Thursday morning, Nov. 11.
Several times last week, while motoring back and forth to The Paragraph Factory, I couldn’t help but notice the fall display of colors which Mother Nature has created. One word came to mind... Wow... With that in mind, this week we’re offering a few reflections about autumn (or fall) featured in an...
Frost on the pumpkin...or over the pumpkin. It was so cold Thursday morning, November 4, that it froze the photographer’s brain waves.
Last Sunday afternoon was bright and sunny in our little corner of the world. Which was kind of a nice thing for the seventh day of November. Bob convinced me to take him outdoors a couple of times on Sunday. His convincing generally involves standing at a door and meowing pitifully. One or the...
Three distant cousins of triceratops were seen basking in October afternoon sunshine at the Lincoln Memorial Picnic Grounds in Jonesboro. A skeleton of one of these critters only costs about twenty or thirty bucks on eBay. Then again, the skeleton probably won’t be 66 million years old, since the turtles were spotted last week in Union County.
In the things that make you hmmmmm category... Sunday night, stepped outside to do some sky watching. Nearby wind chimes were ringing. Made me think of a scene from the movie “Twister.” Which, under the circumstances last Sunday night, seemed rather appropriate... (At the time this was being...
Well...at least now we know why the chicken...make that chickens...crossed the road...and you’ll find out, too, just by reading on...
In keeping with tradition...sort of...the Other Half and yours truly once again were able to do a little bit of time traveling during the third weekend of October. And, while we were on our adventures, we also were able to answer an age-old question... As you may recall, for many years, in mid-...
Spotted this creepy looking spider while venturing out in the backyard during the dark of night. Needless to say, it was rather eye-catching.
A celebration 300 million years in the making happened on Wednesday: National Fossil Day was October 13. The National Park Service says on its website that “National Fossil Day is an annual celebration held to highlight the scientific and educational value of paleontology and the importance of...
Why did the white-tailed deer cross the road? Obviously, to get to the other side. Well, that was how it seemed last Friday morning in metropolitan Alto Pass.
If nothing else, Rocky is persistent. He paid another visit to our front porch last Sunday night. Well, I think our visitor was Rocky. We still have not been formally introduced. Meanwhile... Once again this week, we’ll make note of how well the Cardinals have been playing, which might be a bit of...
Rocky, the Raccoon, paid us a couple of night time visits last week. Or, should I say Rocky the Trash Panda?
For this week, one thing led to another...and another...and another...and then another... The column kind of started one night last week, when Rocky, the Raccoon, paid another visit to our front porch. And, I’ll have to be honest with you, Rocky was pretty brazen about the whole thing. Rocky...
Sunlight reflects off a dragonfly...
The Other Half and yours truly had a chance to go on our latest pandemic date over the weekend. We’ll come back to that in just a bit... Yes, there are a lot of photographs this week. They were shot on a bright, sunny and warm late summer afternoon...the first Thursday in September, to be a bit...


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