Union County Clerk

The Union County Board of Commissioners had nearly wrapped up discussion about items on the agenda for last week’s regular meeting when the focus turned to a check-writing process. The commissioners met Friday morning, July 14, at the Union County Courthouse. Early discussion focused on the issuing...
Tuesday, April 4, was Election Day in Union County. Voters elected candidates who were running for municipal posts, positions on local school district boards of education, seats on two library districts and the Shawnee Community College district board. Unofficial results recorded at the Union...
Polling places have been set for the Tuesday, April 4, elections in Union County. Union County Clerk Terry Bartruff noted that polls are scheduled to be open from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Election Day. The polling places, by precinct, follow: Anna 1 and 2: Main Street Center, 400 S. Main St., Anna....

The Gazette-Democrat

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