Union County Sheriff

Volunteers worked last Saturday on a sand boil along the Mississippi River levee west of Wolf Lake. The sand boil was on the east side of the levee, between the river and the Union County community. The work done at the site was seen as a more permanent solution to a recurring problem.
A voluntary evacuation order for all of the areas of Union County which were affected by the recent threat of flooding conditions was lifted Monday afternoon, May 8. The order was lifted at 4 p.m. Monday in a statement issued by Union County Sheriff Scott Harvel and Union County Board of...
Topics ranging from an August solar eclipse and storage space to barking dogs, trash on local roads and finances were discussed at last week’s regular meeting of the Union County Board of Commissioners. The meeting was Friday morning, April 28, at the Union County Courthouse in Jonesboro. Solar...

The Gazette-Democrat

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