December 2009

Cobden events scheduled for 2010

More than a dozen special events are on the 2010 calendar in Cobden.

The schedule includes:

March 6, Union County Museum reopens.

April through October, Cobden People’s Market.

April 17, Pieces of the PAST, C-Infinity Event Center.

April 17, River to River Relay.

May 1, spring community yard sale.

May 1, Millis consign-ment auction.

June 5, Cobden Backyard Barbeque.

Aug. 6-7, Cobden Peach Festival.

Aug. 7, Cobden Peach Festival parade.

Hamson receives national certification

Nealy Boyd Hamson, a former Union County resident, is one of more than 730 Illinois teachers who achieved National Board Certification in 2009.

Hamson teaches science, as well as adolescence and young adulthood, at Carmi-White County High School.

She is a 1997 graduate of Anna-Jonesboro Community High School. Hamson is the daughter of Connie and Steve Boyd of Anna.

Hamson’s certification is good through November 2019.

Former A-J athlete records landmark wrestling victory

Former Anna-Jonesboro Community High School athlete Dustin Young has become the first wrestler in the Union County school’s history to earn a victory in NCAA Division I collegiate wrestling competition.

Young, a freshman who competes in the 125-pound weight class for Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, acomplished the feat last week by decisioning Missouri Valley’s Kevin Mathis 12-2 at the Central Missouri Open Tournament at Warrensburg, Mo.

Bad weather would not stop election

A winter storm would not stop an election.

Union County Clerk Bobby Toler Jr. said this week that even if the weather is bad, the primary election set for Tuesday, Feb. 2, will go on as scheduled.

"Bad weather will not close the polls," Toler said.

The county clerk also shared other key information related to the 2010 primary election.

Polling Places Will Be Open

Toler said local emergency services vehicles would be used, if needed, to ensure that all 14 polling places in Union County are open on Election Day.

Paul Johnson





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Future of the courthouse

When voters go to the polls on Tuesday, Feb. 2, and we hope that voters will indeed go to the polls, they will be able to have a say in the future of the Union County Courthouse in Jonesboro.

A sales tax referendum will be on the ballot which, if approved, would generate revenue for construction of a new Union County courthouse. A new courthouse would replace a structure which has been in use since the 1850s.

In anticipation of the primary election vote, county officials hosted tours of the aging courthouse on Monday morning of this week.

Lick Creek School Board hosts town hall meeting Tuesday Tax referendum on primary election ballot

As a sparsely attended town hall meeting Tuesday night wrapped up, the closing message from the Lick Creek School District 16 Board of Education was clear.

Those present were encouraged to go to the polls and vote in the Feb. 2 Union County primary election.

One of the issues on the primary election will be a referendum in which voters in the Lick Creek School District will be asked to approve a property tax increase.

A-J Elks Hoop Shoot contest

The Anna-Jonesboro Elks Lodge Hoop Shoot contest was held Dec. 12 at Anna-Jonesboro Community High School.

The following winners were announced in each category:

Boys 8-9 years old: 1st, Ben Coleson, Lick Creek; 2nd, Bryce Osman, Anna; 3rd, Dawson Johnson, Shawnee South.

Boys 10-11: 1st, Jake Parr, Lick Creek; 2nd, Ryan Stark, Anna; 3rd, Nick Crane, Shawnee Junior High School.

Boys 12-13: 1st, Caleb Palmer, Anna; 2nd, Dillion Gilliland, Dongola; 3rd, Jacob Furlow, Cobden.

A-J defeats Carterville

Emma Basler and Chandra Parr had 15 points apiece to lead Anna-Jonesboro to a 53-40 win over visiting Carterville in nonconference high school girls’ basketball Saturday, Jan. 16.

Basler made a pair of 3-pointers and Parr put in one.

Jesse Stone added 8 points for the Lady Wildcats. Destiny Dillow and Valerie Pender had 7 points apiece and Rachel Hayden 1.

Kelsea Ashton, whose father Cody was a former A-J athlete before moving to Carterville, led the Lady Lions with 15 points, including three 3-pointers.

Buy local. . .or bye, bye local

(Editor's note: the following article was submitted by the AJMPU Unit of University of Illinois Extension.)

In this current economic crisis, it is more important than ever that we all make a conscious decision to support our local business community whenever possible. 

Community members don’t like to see local businesses close their doors or to see vacant buildings scattered throughout the community; however, it is rare that community members consider that their own buying patterns may have attributed to the business’ demise. 


The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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