Chiropractor guest speaker at Cobden Women’s Club meeting

The Cobden Women’s Club met Friday afternoon, Nov. 18, at the home of Ruth Hardin, with JoeAnn Clutts as cohostess.

The meeting was opened with the pledge to the flag.

The program was given by Dr. Jason Ozbourn, a chiropractor.

He explained how pain in the body can represent an issue in the body.

He said people can react to pain in the joints or back in various ways. They can ignore it. They can take a pill. They can take massage therapy. They can take rehab and exercise. They can have surgery.

After all these people can still have the pain. A visit to the chiropractor may be the answer, he said. The chiropractor will do an adjustment which is covered by Medicare. The adjustment will get to the root of the problem, he said. If the chiropractor thinks there is a medical problem, he or she will send the patient to his or her family doctor.

A devotion was given by Janis Corrington with a Thanksgiving theme. She told about the first Thanksgiving where the Pilgrims recognized the cause for gratitude. She said God sends blessings. It is up to people how they respond to them. They can express thanks, and blessings will take place.

The club purchased 14 children’s coats which were delivered to the Pregnancy Matters Center. Member Janis Corrington donated four coats which brought the total to 18. The club received a thank you from the center.

Poinsettias will be puchased and delivered to five nursing homes and one shut-in member.

The Christmas in the Village event was discussed. The club will be donating $50 to the event.

Instead of exchanging Christmas gifts, members planned to bring items for PAWS to the club’s Dec. 9 meeting at the home of Sue Brumleve.

Pennies for Veterans were collected.

Members brought coffee to the meeting which will be delivered to the Illinois Veterans Home in Anna.

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