Cobden Women's Club hears presentation about future of county courthouse

The Cobden Women’s Club met Friday afternoon, Nov. 20, at the home of Mary Sue Treece. Lou Ann Hartline was cohostess.

The meeting opened with the pledge to the flag.

The program was given by Judy Travelstead, a member of the Union County Courthouse Committee, who spoke about the need for a new courthouse.

The present courthouse was built in 1858, with additions in 1894, 1963, 1967 and 1976. The courthouse is in bad physical condition and is not big enough.

The space in a remodeled courthouse would be 19,000 square feet, and space in a new one would be 56,000 square feet.

All county offices, including those now in separate buildings, would be under one roof.

There are many advantages to a new courthouse Travelstead said, including more secure and safe surroundings and a reduction in long-term maintenance.

The new courthouse would cost $17 million and could be financed by several grants and a 1 percent increase in the county retail sales tax.

The devotion was given by Carol Savini. She read a story about a woman who was so troubled at Thanksgiving time that she was incapable of being thankful. A simple gift of lavendar flowers from her neighbor made her realize the Lord is ever present to help in trouble.

The club’s Christmas projects were discussed. Mary Anna Weakley purchased and delivered 12 children’s coats to the Shawnee Crisis Pregnancy Center. Poinsettias will be purchased and delivered to five nursing homes.

The club voted to continue the Angel Food Ministries program for another year.

The District 25 Christmas meeting will be Dec. 7 at 11 a.m. at the Golden Corral in Carbondale.

Clubs are to bring coffee and creamers for the veteran’s homes in Anna and Marion. Members are also to bring a baked good for a fundraiser.

The Christmas in Cobden celebration was discussed. Volunteers and certain items are needed. Individual members will make cookies, and the club voted to donate $50 to the celebration.

Pennies for Veterans were collected.

The club’s December meeting will be at the home of Sue Brumleve. Members will exchange $5 gifts and can bring paper towels for PAWS.

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