Filing begins for 2012 primary election

Candidates began filing nominating petitions this week for the 2012 Union County primary election.

The primary election is scheduled for March 20, 2012.

The filing period began at 8 a.m. Monday. Candidates can continue to file nominating petitions through Monday, Dec. 5.

Petitions are filed at the Union County clerk's office. The clerk's office is located at the Union County Courthouse at Jonesboro.

The following Union County offices will be on the primary election ballot:

Three positions on the Union County Board of Commissioners, circuit clerk, coroner, state's attorney and precinct committeemen posts in all 20 of Union County's precincts.

Incumbent county officeholders include Randy Lambdin, county commissioner; Lorraine Moreland, circuit clerk; Darryl Rendleman, coroner; and Tyler Edmonds, state's attorney. All of the incumbents are Democrats.

Lambdin and Rendleman previously announced that they would not be running in 2012.

Those who have filed nominating petitions are named below by the office they are seeking:

County commissioner, position A, six-year term:

Danny Hartline, Cobden, Democrat.

Jack Sensmeier, Anna, Democrat.

County commissioner, position D, six-year term:

Mike Yates, Anna, Democrat.

Fred Crews, Anna, Democrat.

Wayne Brown, Dongola, Democrat.

County commissioner, position E, four-year term:

Richard Cunningham, Jonesboro, Democrat.

Union County state's attorney:

Tyler Edmonds, Anna, Democrat.

Union County circuit clerk:

Lorraine Moreland, Cobden, Democrat.

Union County coroner:

Phil Hileman, Jonesboro, Democrat.

Beverly Bolanowski, Anna, Republican.

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        The Gazette-Democrat

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