Homes featured in house tour
<strong>Short home – The Keyhole House</strong>
Home of Jason Short – The Keyhole House, 506 N. Main St., Anna: Once again, PAST presents the home of businessman Jason Short. Step back in time in this historic home built in 1890 by the Harlan P. Tuthill family. At the time of its original construction, the home was on the cutting edge of technology with gaslights installed and accommodations provided for a growing family and servants. The Keyhole House was featured on the tour in 2010 as a "work-in-progress" and is being presented this year as a completed work of art. It has been lovingly restored to modern comfort by Jason Short with the help of decorator Deb Cutrell of Milk Paint Interior Designs. The home is modernized and decorated throughout with Jason's personal tastes, keeping in mind, comfort and convenience for him and his guests. Tour guests are asked to park behind Stinson Memorial Library.
<strong>Painter home</strong>
Home of Michael and Jane Pingle-Painter, 59 Weidlocher Ln., Anna: Nestled in the countryside just off State Highway 51 North is the remarkable home of Michael and Jane Pingle-Painter. The Craftsman-style house, completed in 2007, is set in a park-like setting amid the hills of a 95-acre estate. Working with White and Borgognoni Architects from Carbondale, Michael and Jane created a unique home to suit their personal tastes. Jane's kitchen is a scene right out of a dream magazine and accommodates her work as a Pampered Chef director. Original to the property is a renovated barn that adds to the character of the property.
<strong>McMahon home</strong>
Home of Laura Neal McMahon, 275 Shannon Lake Ln., east of Anna: Tucked away off Camp Ground Road is a newly developed subdivision called Shannon Lake Estates. The subdivision originally was an 88-acre farm owned by Everett Menees in 1948. Roger Menees, Everett's son, developed the site into a picturesque subdivision that has become home to eight families. Two large man-made lakes offer great fishing and recreation. The Menees family named the subdivision for their late son, Shannon, as a lasting and living memorial to his life. The featured home, owned by Laura McMahon, was built in 2007. The two-level screened porches offer a perfect setting to enjoy the waterfowl and sunrises. Unique designer window treatments and decor make this home a delight to visit.