Hospital district auxiliary scholarship fund drive scheduled to begin Dec. 1
The Union County Hospital District Auxiliary is planning to start its annual scholarship fund drive.
The auxiliary will begin the sale of Christmas lights and ornaments on Dec. 1.
Lights are $1 each and ornaments are $25 each.
Donations will be featured on a scholarship tree. The scholarship tree will be located in the gift shop at Union County Hospital in Anna.
Lights and ornaments can be designated in honor of, or in memory of, a family member or a special person in the donor's life.
Donations for the scholarship tree allow the auxiliary to award a $1,000 scholarship to someone in the community who is continuing his or her education in the healthcare field.
First priority is given to a hospital employee or a family member to encourage further education.
The 2011 scholarship was awarded to Amy Cain. Cain is enrolled in the radiological sciences program at Southern Illinois University.
Union County Hospital District Auxiliary is a not-for-profit entity. Donations are tax deductible.
Donations can be sent to Scholarship Tree, c/o Union County Hospital District, 517 N. Main St., Anna, Ill. 62906.
Donations also can be made at the hospital gift shop from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.