A-J hosts wrestling invitational Dec.19

Anna-Jonesboro recorded two first place finishes in its junior varsity high school wrestling match Saturday, Dec. 19.

Andrew Adams and Forrest Palis had first-place finishes for the Wildcats.

Adams, wrestling in the 112- pound class, decisioned Carmi’s Matt Brown, 13-3; pinned Mount Vernon’s Tom Hippen in 3:09; and decisioned Carmi’s Cody Stanton, 25-8.

Palis, 125 pounds, pinned Mount Vernon’s Jeremiah Keel in 4:28 and decisioned Carmi’s Miles Glavin, 18-4.

Second place efforts were recorded by Austin Noble and Brandon Crosser.

Noble, 130 pounds, pinned Carterville’s Tristan Fisher in 2:18, pinned Carmi’s Matt Harvett in 3:42 and pinned Mount Vernon’s Kyle Fletcher in 1:24. He lost in the championship bout to Mount Vernon’s Justin Richardson by a pin.

Crosser, 135 pounds, pinned Harrisburg’s Dylan Sparks in 2:58, and decisioned Johnston City’s Landon Wolf in overtime, 16-14. He lost in the championship match by a decision to Mount Vernon’s Erin Nevert, 17-2.

Logan Tripp and Enrique Arreola recorded third-place finishes for the Wildcats.

Tripp, 171 pounds, pinned Centralia’s Ivan McConigo in 1:10 and Mount Vernon’s Lucas Lehman in 2:47.

Arreola, also at 171 pounds, pinned Johnston City’s Dylan Moore in 1:37.

Fourth place efforts were Kemo Martin, Cole Grass, Jordan Lemke and Jordan Johnson.

Martin, 160 pounds, pinned Harrisburg’s Macus Gonzales in 1:12 and Centralia’s Luke DeClue in :25.

Grass, also 160 pounds, pinned Carterville’s Kyle Helton in 3:01 and was pinned by Centralia’s Don LeClue.

Lemke, 189 pounds, decisioned Harrisburg’s Thomas Burzinski, 21-6, and was pinned by Carmi’s Ryan Shepard.

Johnson, heavyweight, pinned Harrisburg’s Kyle Couchlar in 1:08, and was pinned by Harrisburg’s Skyler Newman.

Other A-J grapplers competing were Ryan Brown, 112 pounds, and Kyle Aden, 189 pounds.

The Wildcats are scheduled to compete in the Herrin Duals at 9 a.m. Saturday. A-J will compete in five matches against Carmi, Centralia, Waterloo, Effingham and Calloway County, Ky.

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