‘Ice Cream for Vaccines’ program again offered

Back-to-school vaccinations are underway throughout the region and once again Southern 7 Health Department is teaming up with Dairy Queen for its annual “Ice Cream for Vaccines” program.

Illinois state law requires certain vaccinations for children enrolled in child care, Head Start, pre-kinderegarten, elementary and high school programs. 

Every child under age 18 who is immunized through Southern 7 Health Department will receive a coupon, while supplies last, for a free ice cream cone at Dairy Queen restaurants in Anna and Vienna.

“Vaccines are one of our children’s greatest defenses against many serious and potentially life-threatening illnesses, and have proven to be safe and effective in protecting them from serious childhood diseases,” Southern 7 Health Department community outreach worker Shawnna Rhine said in a news release.

Southern 7 Health Department provides the recommended vaccinations for all ages at each of its seven clinic offices. 

The vaccinations include chicken pox, MMR (measles, mumps and rubella), D-TaP (diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis, also known as whooping cough), Hib (Haemophilus influenza), HPV (human papillomavirus), Hepatitis A and B, and polio.

Flu, COVID-19, and HPV are also recommended, but are not required, for school admission in Illinois.

The health department advises that to find out if your child is current in his/her routine vaccinations, or to schedule an appointment at a public health clinic near you, call 618-634-2297, visit southern7.org, or download the Southern 7 app.

The Gazette-Democrat

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Anna, Illinois 62906
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