‘Jockey Queen’ subject of talk at Anna library

Jockey Lillian Jenkinson Holder will be the subject of a free book talk which is planned Saturday, May 18, at Stinson Memorial Public Library in Anna. 

The talk by author Roger Peach is scheduled from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. The library is located at 409 S. Main St. in Anna. 

Lillian Jenkinson Holder is the focus of “Jockey Queen,” a new biography written by Peach which has been touted as presenting “a new chapter” to horse racing history. 

In 1927, at 19 years of age, Jenkinson Holder was issued a jockey’s license, becoming the first female granted such a license in her native state of Nebraska.  

This marked the first of three times Jenkinson Holder would make national news in pursuit of her jockey career. 

A fierce competitor, Lillian won many “derby day” races throughout Southern Illinois in her decades of competition in the region. 

Peach said in a news release that he hopes to have a couple of surprises for those who attend the presentation at the Anna library.

He also encourages folks to bring their Lillian stories to share. For many, like Peach, she was unforgettable.

The “Jockey Queen” book talk is open to the public and no advance registration is required. 

Anyone who has the book is welcome to have it signed by the author. 

Copies of “Jockey Queen” will be available for purchase ($35 cash or check, which eliminates shipping and handling costs required by online book sources). 

The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158
Email: news@annanews.com

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