Active tick surveillance planned

Vectors are insects, ticks, rats, mice, birds and other animals that transmit disease-producing organisms to humans. 

To prevent the human diseases caused by these vectors, the Illinois Department of Public Health, IDPH, works closely with local health departments, governments, mosquito abatement programs and the public to monitor and control them. 

In May, Southern 7 Health Department will begin conducting active tick surveillance for all species, including those causing Lyme disease.

Active tick surveillance means that Southern 7 Health Department environmental health staff will be actively going to each of the lower seven counties in Illinois to collect ticks. 

The purpose of the testing will be to determine what, if any, disease the ticks are carrying and also species identification. 

The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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