Anna school joins worldwide Read for Record
A Union County school was part of a recent worldwide reading event.
On Thursday, Oct. 27, children and adults joined for the world’s largest shared reading experience, known as Jumpstart’s Read for the Record.
Since 2006, the 24-hour celebration has mobilized more than 17 million children and adults to hold the world reading record for the most people reading the same book on the same day.
This year’s official book for the campaign was titled “The Bear Who Ate Your Sandwich,” by Julia Sacrone-Roach. The book is published by Alfred A. Knopf for young readers.
Kathy Stegle read to Becky Lannom’s morning pre-kindergarten class of 20 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds.
Stegle is a retired reading teacher from Anna School District No. 37 and a grandparent of a pre-kindergarten student.
She engaged the students by asking questions, discussing the illustrations in the book and introducing new vocabulary words.
Following the reading of the story, Stegle and Lannom engaged the students in fun reading activities.
Stegle said that she was “delighted to read this story to the students” and for the opportunity to participate in the 2016 Jumpstart Read for the Record.