Bazaar supports mission projects
The Hands of Faith ladies at Mt. Moriah Lutheran Church in Anna are part of the Women of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America called WELCA.
Mt. Moriah’s Hands of Faith group was established to promote the churchwide theme of “God’s Work, Our Hands.”
During the past 2015-2016 year the Hands of Faith group has conducted two fund-raisers.
One was a basement-yard sale to provide specific funds to aid Lutheran Social Services of Illinois, LSSI.
The other big fund raising project is the annual Gingerbread House Bazaar during Christmas in Downtown Anna.
The event features Christmas crafts and foods especially designed as gifts and/or holiday decorations.
Mission projects the group has sponsored, or donated to, during the year include both local and distant missions.
Among those are dozens of quilts made for Lutheran World Relief to help victims of disaster all over the world.
Other projects supported include the LSSI Prison and Family Ministry called Storybook Program.
Children’s story books were provided to imprisoned parents who read the book to a recording to be sent along with the book, to their children.
Locally, the Hands of Faith group provides weekend nutritious snacks packed in backpacks for designated needy students at Anna Junior High School.
Support is also given to holiday gift items for needy families. Women of the ELCA also sponsor scholarship and leadership outreach opportunities.
The annual Gingerbread House Bazaar at Mt. Moriah Church is set for Saturday, Nov. 26, during Christmas in Downtown Anna, at the corner of Jefferson and Main streets.
The festive bazaar is located on Mt. Moriah’s lower level. Entrance is through the Gingerbread House doorway to the basement.
There will be many craft items the ladies have made throughout the year. There are gift items to suit all ages. Expect to find baked items suitable for gifts or holiday meals.
A special corner caters to children to help them choose gifts for their loved ones.
Another corner features gently used gift and decorative items to be purchased from “Granny’s Attic.”
Upstairs in Mt. Moriah’s Fellowship Room, children are invited to hear a Christmas story and to make a special Christmas craft. There will be music and light refreshments.