Participants gathered around a Union County Ambulance Service vehicle to pray during a Blessing Walk on Tuesday, June 7. The event was held at Union County Hospital in Anna. Photo by Amber Skelton.

Blessing Walk held at Union County Hospital

The Union County Hospital Auxiliary worked with the Union County Alliance of Churches to lead a Blessing Walk Tuesday, June 7, around the hospital in Anna. 

The group was made up of residents of the Union County community, hospital staff and representatives from local churches. 

They walked from the helicopter landing pad around to the long-term nursing care facility, stopping at six other stations to pray specifically for each department of the hospital, the patients, and those working to care for them. They asked God to bless, protect and strengthen all who entered the hospital. 

EMT and Union County Ambulance Service director Grant Capel met the group at the emergency services entrance to pray with them.

Capel also answered questions about the work that he does in driving an ambulance and working with other hospitals to provide health care for the community.

The walk came to an end  at the long-term care unit, where the group was joined by residents in prayer and a song.

The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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