Drunk Driving: Some Signs, Suggestions

Signs of Drunk Driving

Quick acceleration or deceleration. Tailgating. Weaving or zig-zagging across the road.

Driving anywhere other than on a road designated for vehicles. Almost striking an object, curb or vehicle.

Stopping without cause or erratic braking. Drifting in and out of traffic lanes.

Signaling that is inconsistent with driving actions. Slow response to traffic signals (such as a sudden stop or delayed start).

Straddling the center lane marker. Driving with headlights off at night.

Swerving. Driving slower than 10 mph below the speed limit. Turning abruptly or illegally. Driving into opposing traffic on the wrong side of the road.

What Do You Do If You See a Drunk Driver?

First, stay as far away from the other vehicle as possible.

Second, do not try to pass the vehicle or signal the driver to pull over. Doing so could result in a collision.

Third, take notice of the license plate number along with the vehicle including make, model and color. Drivers are warned not to compromise their own safety trying to obtain this information.

Finally, pull over and call 911. Give the exact location of the vehicle, including the name of the road or cross streets and the direction the vehicle is traveling. Give a complete description of the vehicle and the manner in which the vehicle is being driven.

Tips to Prevent Someone from Driving Drunk

Be as non-confrontational as possible. Suggest alternate ways of getting to their destination.

Talk a bit more slowly and explain things more fully than if the person were  a sober person.

Explain that you don’t want them to drive because you care and you don’t want them to hurt themselves or others. 

Suggest that they sleep over. Enlist a friend to help or to act as moral support: it’s more difficult to say  no to two (or three or four) people than one.

If possible, get the person’s keys. It is far easier to persuade the potential driver when holding this leverage.

If all else fails, call law enforcement. It’s better to have a friend arrested than injured or killed.

The Gazette-Democrat

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Anna, Illinois 62906
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Email: news@annanews.com

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