Entry deadline approaching for Union County Fair pageant

Plans have been announced for this year’s Union County Fair queen pageant activities.

Miss Union County Fair Queen Pageant

The Union County Fair queen pageant is in search of contestants for the 2022 pageant, which will be Sunday, Aug. 21, at 7:30 p.m. at the fair grounds (the Anna City Park).

There will  be a come and go informational meeting July 25, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., at the fair office at the Anna City Park. 

Attendance is not required to be able to enter. If you are interested in competing and cannot attend the informational meeting, please contact Janice Osman for information. 

Contestants must be 16 years of age by Aug. 21 and not have reached their 22nd birthday by Jan. 1, 2023.

They must have never been married, have never had a child and cannot be an adoptive parent. 

Contestants must be a resident of Union County and not competing in another county fair queen pageant in 2022 or have been a former queen of a county fair. 

An information packet and application link are available through the Union County Fair’s website at www.unioncountyfair.net. 

You will need to go to the EVENTS tab and then click on Miss Union County Fair Queen Pageant, and then click on the link to download the information packet with required forms and the application. 

You can also contact Janice Osman at 833-7777 to request an information packet and application or with any questions you may have. 

A schedule of practice days and times are with the application.

The deadline to enter the pageant is Aug. 1. No late entries will be accepted after Aug. 1.

There will be a meeting Monday, Aug. 1, at 7 p.m. for Miss contestants at the Union County Fair Board office located at the Anna City Park. 

All signed forms, applications and entry/sponsor fees can be turned in at the meeting. 

Contestants will need to come “picture ready.” A group photo will be taken for the local papers, as well as individual pictures for the pageant program and judges books. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Janice Osman at (618)833-7777.

Little Miss and Junior Miss

The Union County Fair Queen pageant is in search of Little Miss and Junior Miss Contestants for the 2022 pageant that will be Sunday, Aug. 21, at 7:30 p.m. at the fair grounds.

There will be a come and go informational meeting July 25, from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the fair office located at the Anna City Park. 

Attendance is not required to be able to enter. If you are interested in competing and cannot attend the informational meeting, please contact Janice Osman for information. 

Little Miss Contestants must be 8-11 years of age, and Junior Miss Contestants must be 12-15 years of age by Aug. 21. 

Contestants must be a resident of Union County and attend a Union County school.

 If contestants attend a private school outside of Union County they must provide proof of registration with their application. 

Information packet and application link are available through the Union County Fair’s website at www.unioncountyfair.net. 

You will need to go to the EVENTS tab and then click on Little Miss & Junior Miss Pageant, and that will take you to a link for a printable information packet and application. 

You can also contact Janice Osman at 833-7777 to request an information packet and application or with any questions you may have. 

A schedule of practice days and times are with the pageant information packet.

The deadline to enter the pageant is Aug. 1. No late entries will be accepted after the deadline.

There will be a meeting Monday, Aug. 1, at 5:30 p.m. for Little Miss and at 6:15 p.m. for Junior Miss contestants at the Union County Fair Board office at the Anna City Park. 

All signed forms and entry fees can be turned in at the meeting.  

Contestants will need to come “picture ready.” A group photo will be taken for the local papers, as well as individual pictures for the pageant program book. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Janice Osman at 833-7777.


The Union County fair queen pageant is in search of Princesses for the inaugural Princess Program class for the 2022 pageant that will be Sunday, Aug. 21, at 7:30 p.m. at the fair grounds.

All Princess participants will receive a tiara and sash. No judging will take place in the Princess Program. It’s a fun opportunity for the younger girls to participate in a pageant setting without the judging portion.

Princess participants must be between the ages of 5 to 7 years old by Aug. 21 and need to be a Union County resident. 

There will be a $25 entry fee. The pageant will be accepting the first 20 entries and will take entries until Aug. 15, unless the 20 spaces are filled before that date. 

The Aug. 15 deadline is for program participants only; for all other age groups entry deadline is Aug. 1. 

There will be a required attendance meeting and practice on Aug. 18, from 5:15 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Anna VFW post.

More details and an application can be found on the Union County Fair website at www.unioncoutyfair.net.  

If you have any questions or would like an application you can also call or text Janice Osman at 833-7777.

The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158
Email: news@annanews.com

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