Entry deadline approaching for Union County Fair queen pageant

The entry deadline is approaching to enter the 2018 Union County Fair Queen, Little Miss Fair Queen and Junior Miss Fair Queen pageant.

The pageant is set for 7:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 19, at the Union County Fair in Anna. The fair will be at the Anna City Park in Anna.

Fair Queen Pageant 

Contestants who participate in the Union County Fair Queen pageant must be 16 years of age by Aug. 19 and not have reached their 22nd birthday by Jan. 1, 2019.

Contestants must have never been married, have never had a child and cannot be an adoptive parent. 

Contestants must be a resident of Union County or attended or graduated from a Union County school, and are not competing in another county fair queen pageant in 2018 or have been a former queen of county fair. 

Applications are available on the Union County Fair’s website at www.unioncountyfair.net.  

The applications can be found by going to the website’s “Events” tab, clicking on Miss Union County Fair Queen Pageant, and then clicking on Queen Application.

Contestants also can contact Janice Osman at 833-7777 to request an application or for more information about the pageant.

A schedule of practice days and times are with the application.

Each contestant will require a sponsor.

The deadline to enter the pageant is Aug. 5. No late entries will be accepted after Aug. 5.

A meeting for contestants is planned at 6 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 5, at the Union County Fair Board’s office. The office is at the Anna City Park.

Applications and entry/sponsor fees can be turned in at the meeting. 

Contestants will be asked to come “picture ready” on Aug. 5. Tiffiny Dillow Photography is scheduled to take a group photograph and individual pictures.

Little Miss Fair Queen, Junior Miss Fair Queen Pageants

Little Miss Contestants must be 10-12 years of age, and Junior Miss Contestants must be 13-15 years of age, by Aug. 19.

Contestants must be a resident of Union County and attend a Union County school. 

If contestants attend a private school outside of Union County, they must provide proof of registration with their application. 

Applications are available on the fair’s website at www.unioncountyfair.net.  

The applications can be found by going to the website’s “Events” tab, clicking on Little Miss & Junior Miss Pageant, and then clicking on Little/Junior Miss Application. 

Contestants also can contact Janice Osman at 833-7777 to request an application or for more information.

 A schedule of practice days and times are with the pageant application. (Aug. 5 registration should be 5:30 p.m., not 6 p.m.)

The deadline to enter the pageant is Aug. 5. No late entries will be accepted after the deadline. 

A meeting for contestants is planned at 5:30 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 5, at the fair board office at the Anna City Park.

All applications and entry fees can be turned in at the meeting. 

Contestants will be asked to come “picture ready” on Aug. 5. Tiffiny Dillow Photography is scheduled to take group photographs and individual pictures.



The Gazette-Democrat

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Anna, Illinois 62906
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