Mississippi River above flood stage

A flood warning is in effect for the Mississippi River at Cape Girardeau and Thebes.

The National Weather Service office in Paducah reported that recent heavy rainfall caused the river to rise above flood stage last week.

The weather service reported May 1 that the flood warning would remain in effect until Tuesday morning at Cape Girardeau and until Monday evening at Thebes. Minor flooding was in the forecast.

The weather service posted information about river stages on its website.

Cape Girardeau

At 10:30 a.m. Wednesday, May 1, the river’s stage was 30.4 feet. Flood stage is 32.0 feet.

The river was expected to rise above flood stage late in the evening on May 1. A crest of 36.5 feet was expected early Saturday afternoon. The forecast was calling for the river to fall below flood stage Monday evening.


At 10:30 a.m. May 1, the river’s stage was 28.8 feet. Flood stage is 33.0 feet.

The river was expected to rise above flood stage Thursday evening, May 2. A crest of 35.5 feet was expected Saturday evening. The forecast was calling for the river to fall below flood stage early Monday afternoon.

The Gazette-Democrat

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