Our Healthy Circle plans to offer travel opportunities

The Our Healthy Circle program at Union County Hospital in Anna plans to offer travel opportunities during 2017.

A seven-day trip to Virginia Beach, Williamsburg and Norfolk, Va., is planned June 11-17. The cost is $825 per person, based on double occupancy.  

A nine-day trip to Miami and Key West, Fla., is scheduled Sept. 29 through Oct. 7. The cost is $849 per person, based on double occupancy.

Space for the trips will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis.  

For more information about the trips and about Our Healthy Circle, contact Union County Hospital director of marketing Mary Nash-Swink at 833-4511, extension 4359.

Our Healthy Circle is a non-profit organization that  works to improve the lives of people age 50 and older.  

Membership benefits include fellowship and activities, hospital benefits, health education, parties, travel, local and national discounts, and much more, for $15 a year.

The Gazette-Democrat

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Anna, Illinois 62906
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Email: news@annanews.com

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