Registration open for Law Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge

Online registration has opened for the 2017 Law Enforcement Torch Run Polar Plunge to benefit Special Olympics Illinois. 

Individuals and teams can register for the plunge on the Special Olympics Illinois website at or by contacting the Special Olympics Illinois staff.

The Polar Plunge is one of the premier fundraising events for the Law Enforcement Torch Run and Special Olympics Illinois. 

In 2016, more than $1.9 million was raised by 6,480 plungers statewide; in 18 years, $16.5 million has been raised by more than 60,000 plungers. 

The event has grown from one location in 1999 to 22 locations across the state this year. 

Anyone invited to join law enforcement officers, as well as media and business and civic leaders from their community by donning bathing suits, costumes or any clothing of choice (just no wet suits) to jump in a lake. 

Each plunger must collect a minimum of $100 in donations that will be used to support Special Olympics programs in Illinois.

Plungers are encouraged to form teams. Each team member must raise the minimum of $100 in donations and all team members’ individual fundraising totals will be merged to form a combined team total. 

Teams are placed into divisions based on size and are awarded prizes for the most money raised.

All plungers will receive gifts, compete for prizes, and enjoy food and camaraderie with other chilly participants. 

For every $500 a plunger raises, he/she will get an entry into the drawing for this grand prize.

The local plunge will be at the Southern Illinois University Recreation Center in Carbondale at noon on Saturday, Feb. 25.

A Polar Donut Dash 5K will be at 9:30 a.m. For more information, call Josh Paddock at 618-457-2969.

The Illinois Law Enforcement Torch Run is the single largest year-round fundraising vehicle benefiting Special Olympics Illinois. 

The annual intrastate relay and its various fundraising projects have two goals: to raise money and increase public awareness for the athletes of Special Olympics Illinois.

The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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