Saluki Takeover Tour stops slated throughout area

The Saluki Takeover Tour of Southern Illinois is scheduled to make stops in  area communities.

After successful events in Chicago, St. Louis, Springfield, Florida and Nashville, Tenn., the Saluki Takeover Tour is scheduled visit all 17 of the region’s counties, starting April 24 and continuing through May 4.

Southern Illinois University Carbondale Chancellor Austin A. Lane is scheduled to host the tour’s keystone event, Southern Illinois Celebration, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday, May 4, at Walker’s Bluff Casino Resort. 

Before the Walker’s Bluff event, there will be many visits to local schools and five Chancellor’s Receptions across the region. 

All of the receptions and meet ups are free to attend. 

The schedule for Southern Illinois Takeover Tour events includes: 

Monday, April 29

School visits: Vienna High School, Meridian High School in Mounds, Cairo High School, Anna-Jonesboro Community High School and Cobden High School.

Business Resource Meet Up: noon, First Baptist Missionary Church, Cairo, and 4:30 p.m., media center at Vienna High School.

Chancellor’s Reception: 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., Alto Vineyards.

Organizers said that everyone is welcome and encouraged to register for each reception at

The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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