Self-defense classes to be offered in Anna

Two-self defense classes are planned at Coffman’s Martial Arts in Anna.

One class is planned from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday, Aug. 10. The second class is scheduled from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 20.

The classes are open to those ages 12 to adult. A children’s self-defense seminar is being planned for later.

Participants are asked to arrive 10 to 15 minutes early for registration. The cost is $10 per person, per class (cash or check only).

Coffman’s Martial Arts is located at 3305 E. Vienna St. in Anna.

“There are so many reasons to take self-defense classes and learn how to properly defend yourself and the ones you love,” Coffman’s Martial Arts owner/instructor Heather Coffman stated.

“Just a few of these reasons are personal trauma, going to a new school/college, switching jobs, moving to a new town, the state of your surroundings, the state of our economic environment, and the list goes on.”

Coffman said there are “so many facets of ‘being safe’ and the first is awareness and knowledge.”

She said that many people “think that if they carry a gun they are safe. This is only partially true.”  

Knowing how to defend yourself without a gun adds to your arsenal of knowledge and skills,” Coffman said.

“Knowing how to defend yourself is knowledge that you can pass on to your loved ones.  

“Everyone, no matter of age, health or skill level,  is capable of taking these self-defense classes.”

She added that the self-defense classes offered at Coffman’s Martial Arts “are practical, and the skills are easy to learn and remember.”

The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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