Special academic accomplishment highlighted

Anna-Jonesboro Community High School

A special academic achievement was highlighted at September’s regular monthly meeting of the Anna-Jonesboro Community High School District 81 Board of Education.

The meeting was Sept. 19 at the Union County school. The achievement was noted in minutes from the meeting.

At the meeting, the board of education learned that after months of work, confirmation was received that teacher Amy Penninger’s advanced U.S. history class has met requirements established by the College Board to use the advanced placement, AP, designation on students’ transcripts and in the school’s course catalog.

This spring, students in the advanced U.S. history class will be able to take an AP U.S. history test provided by the College Board.

If students receive the appropriate score, colleges and universities will accept the class as credit. Students won’t have to take the class and pay for it at their college or university.

Minutes from the meeting stated that Penninger “spent countless hours in preparing her syllabus and then in working with the recommendations she received to edit the syllabus for approval.”

Penninger was commended “for her time and attention to detail in bringing A-J its first AP class in at least 22 years.”

The minutes further noted that A-J teacher Shawn Horn has compiled a syllabus for his humanities class which is being reviewed by the College Board.

Horn’s work is expected to lead to A-J receiving AP designation in AP literature and composition.

Both Penninger and Horn was recognized for their “tireless efforts to bring this opportunity to A-J students.” Appreciation was voiced to A-JCHS superintendent Rob Wright and to the board of education for their support.

The Gazette-Democrat

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