State police announce nighttime patrol results

Illinois State Police District 22 has announced the results of nighttime enforcement patrols which were conducted during December in Union County.

The results were announced by the district’s interim commander, Lt. Michael Alvey.

Alvey said in a news release that the patrols allowed the state police “to focus on preventing, detecting and taking enforcement action in response to impaired driving and occupant restraint violations, especially between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m.”

Statistics compiled during the patrols include:

Other alcohol/drug citations, one. Occupant restraint offenses, three. Total citations/arrests, 14. Total written warnings, 12.

“Alcohol and drug impairment is a factor in more than 30 percent of all fatal motor vehicle crashes in Illinois. Over half of all fatal crashes in Illinois occur at night,” Alvey stated.

He said the nighttime enforcement patrols allow officers “to work even harder at removing dangerous impaired drivers from the road and making sure everyone is buckled up.”

The project was funded through the Illinois Department of Transportation.

The Gazette-Democrat

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