State police share prom safety message

The Illinois State Police are reminding young drivers to think responsibly as they celebrate during the upcoming prom and graduation season.  

The primary safety message is in the word PROM, which asks teens to “Please Return On Monday.”     

Now that prom and graduation season is here, area high school students will be participating in celebrations that occur not only at school, but at private locations.  

Illinois State Police Lt. Michael Alvey reminds everyone to celebrate responsibly. Alvey is interim commander of state police Districts 13/22 in Southern Illinois.

“It only takes one bad decision to turn a celebration into a tragedy,” Alvey stated.

“Everyone should stay away from drugs, don’t drive distracted, and if you are under the age of 21, please, refrain from alcohol.”

The state police are focusing concerns on teen driving behaviors, which include distractions, carelessness, fatigue and inexperience.  

These behaviors, when combined with drugs or alcohol, can be lethal, Alvey said. 

“Car crashes kill more teens during the weekends of prom and graduation season than any other time of year,” Alvey stated.

The Gazette-Democrat

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