State's attorney's, sheriff's offices plan to monitor polling places on Election Day

Union County State’s Attorney Tyler R. Edmonds and Union County Sheriff Scott Harvel said this week that their offices again will be monitoring Union County polling places on Election Day, which is Tuesday, Nov. 8.

Prosecutors and sheriff’s investigators will visit polling places throughout the county to ensure that voting rights are protected and that no improper activity occurs in or around polling places.  

State’s attorney’s and sheriff’s personnel will be monitoring for anyone campaigning in or around polling places or otherwise interfering with the election process.  

The state’s attorney’s office and sheriff’s Office will be working closely with Union County Clerk Terry Bartruff to respond to any suspected violations of the Illinois Election Code.  

The public is reminded that violators could be arrested and face significant fines and jail or prison time.  Possible criminal violations could include:

Active campaigning and solicitation of votes in the polling place or within the 100 foot campaign free zone of the polling place.

Voters who try to leave the polling place with a ballot.

Impersonating a registered voter. Payment for a vote. Tampering with voting equipment.

Illegal casting of votes. Interfering with the voting process.

Harassing the election judges. Harassing the voters. Illegal voter assistance or instruction. 

The public is also reminded of their rights regarding the election process:

If a voter’s registration is active and current, the voter does not need to show identification to vote.

If a voter makes a mistake or “spoils” a paper ballot and the voter has not cast the ballot, the voter has the right to receive a replacement ballot.

If a voter cannot read, has trouble understanding English, or has a disability, that voter has the right to request assistance from anyone other than his or her employer, an agent of his or her employer, or an officer or agent of his or her union.

Voters have the right to register to vote and cast their vote at the same time up to and including on Election Day. Same-day registration and voting is available at the Union County Courthouse at 309 W. Market St. in Jonesboro, not at regular polling places.

Polls will be open on Election Day from 6 a.m. until 7 p.m.  

Members of the public who have questions or concerns regarding activities taking place at any Union County polling place are advised to contact the Union County clerk’s office at 833-5711, the Union County state’s attorney’s office at 833-7216 or the Union County Sheriff’s Office at 833-5500.

Concerns may also be addressed to the Illinois State Board of Elections at 217-782-4141, the Illinois attorney general’s office at 1-800-559-6812, the office of the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Illinois at 618-628-3700, the FBI at 618-397-4401 or the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division at 1-800-253-3931 or

The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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