Three scholarships awarded by SIDEZ

The Southernmost Illinois Delta Empowerment Zone, SIDEZ, has awarded three scholarships for the upcoming semester at Shawnee Community College. 

SIDEZ noted in a news release that it typically funds one scholarship per semester, but had such a large number of deserving applicants the decision was made to increase the number of scholarships awarded to three. 

The scholarship awards went to Nicholas Rhine in Union County, Katie Adams in Pulaski County and Courtney Minor in Johnson County. 

The SIDEZ Board of Directors established the scholarship in honor of Willard Murrie.

Murrie is a founding member of SIDEZ and long-time minister who has received numerous awards for his community service work.  

SIDEZ board members see the scholarship as a great way to thank Mr. Murrie for his years of service and leadership while also ensuring that his legacy is passed on to future generations.

In addition to providing scholarship funds and promoting tourism, SIDEZ operates a revolving loan fund for new and expanding businesses in Alexander, Johnson, Pulaski, Massac and Union counties, partners with other organizations on entrepreneurial and economic development initiatives and manages a business incubator in Mounds.

The Gazette-Democrat

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