Miss Union County Fair: from left are Madison Lingle, Brooklyn Cast, Grace Pitts, 2016 Miss Union County Fair Clare Bunyan, Jericha Carter and Erin Dillow. Photo by Tiffiny Dillow.Union County Fair Junior Miss: from left are Grace Girtman, 2016 Union County Fair Junior Miss Addison Osman, Abigail Dahmer. Photo by Tiffiny Dillow.Union County Fair Little Miss: from left are Bailey Robinson, Callysta Borders, Malayna Korb, 2016 Union County Fair Little Miss Avery Osman, Angel Starr (sitting), Jadyn Samuels, Brooklyn Tipton and Mackenna Prout. Photo by Tiffiny Dillow.

Union County Fair queen pageant set

The pageant for Miss Union County Fair will be held on Sunday evening, Aug. 20, in front of the grandstand at 7:30 p.m.

The Miss Union County Fair pageant is held annually on the first Sunday night of the fair.  

Contestants compete for cash and prizes, including a Union County Fair board sponsored trip to Springfield for the opportunity to compete with 70 other county fair queens for the title of Miss Illinois State Fair. 

Contestants must be between the ages of 16 and not have reached their 22nd birthday by Jan. 1 next year.  

Contestants must be a resident of Union County or attended or graduated from a Union County school, have never been married, have never had a child and cannot be an adoptive parent. 

Contestants may not have competed in another county fair pageant in this year, and cannot be a former queen of another county fair.   

Each contestant will be judged in interview, swimsuit, evening gown, speech, and an on-stage question. 

Miss Union County Fair pageant superintendents are Janice Osman and Mike Meisenheimer.

Little Miss, Junior Union County Fair

The pageant for Little Miss and Junior Miss Union County Fair will take place at the Miss Union County Fair queen pageant on Sunday evening, Aug. 20.

Little Miss Union County must be between the ages of 10 and 12 years of age.

Contestants must be at least 10 years of age on the day of the pageant and must not have reached their 13th birthday by the day of the pageant. 

Contestants must be a Union County resident and attend school in Union County.

 If a child attends a private school outside of Union County, then proof of registration is to be presented.

Junior Miss Union County must be between the ages of 13 and 15 years of age. 

Contestants must be at least 13 years of age on the day of the pageant and must not have reached their 16th birthday by the day of the pageant. 

Contestants must be a Union County resident and attend school in Union County. 

If a child attends a private school outside of Union County, then proof of registration is to be presented.

Little Miss and Junior Miss Union County Fair queen winners will receive a crown, sash, trophy and flowers.

The Gazette-Democrat

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Anna, Illinois 62906
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