Union County Hospital District Auxiliary welcomes support for Scholarship Tree fund

Falling leaves bring to mind that Union County Hospital District Auxiliary is beginning the sale of leaves and tree branches for its Scholarship Tree.

Leaves and/or tree branches can be designated in honor of, or in memory of, a family member or someone special.

Leaves are $1 each. Tree branches are $25 each. All money which is received goes into the Alma Wilson Scholarship Fund.

Donations to the Scholarship Tree allowed the auxiliary to award several scholarships this year to individuals in the community who are continuing their education in the healthcare field.

The auxiliary said that thanks to the generosity of the 2020 Scholarship Tree donors, the auxiliary was able to award the following scholarships at its annual meeting, which was held July 15: Amanda Boreup, $1,000; Emmelie Barker, $1,250; and Aubrey Fisher, $1,250.

The auxiliary noted that the generosity of the community will allow it to continue this worthwhile project while also helping someone in the community to continue her or his education and add to the number of dedicated healthcare professionals serving the area.

Union County Hospital District Auxiliary remains as a not-for-profit entity; therefore, donations are tax deductible.

Donations can be sent to: Scholarship Tree, c/o UCHD Auxiliary, 517 N. Main St., Anna, Ill. 62906.

The auxiliary continues to welcome the support of the community for the Scholarship Tree.


The Gazette-Democrat

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