Union County school making plans for 2016 homecoming celebration

Plans are being made for this year’s homecoming celebration at Anna-Jonesboro Community High School in Union County.

The A-JCHS Student Council is working on the 2016 celebration. The theme for this year’s homecoming is “Red Carpet.”

Homecoming week is planned for Sept. 26-30.

Daily themes for the week include Pajama Day on Monday, Twin Day on Tuesday, Favorite Sports Team Day on Wednesday, Class Color Day on Thursday and Blue and White Day on Friday. Blue and white are school colors.

A homecoming parade is set for 1 p.m. on Friday of homecoming week. The parade will step off from the Anna City Park.

Those who will be participating in the parade are asked to enter the park through the entrance by St. Mary’s Church.

The parade route will be along East Davie Street to South Main Street in downtown Anna.

The parade route is slated to end at Stinson Memorial Library.

Coronation of this year’s homecoming queen and king will be at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 1, in the Union Hall gymnasium at the school.

For more information about homecoming or being part of the parade, contact A-JCHS Student Council adviser Hannah Maze at 833-8502, extension 219, or email ajchsstudentcouncil@aj81.net.

The Gazette-Democrat

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