Vandalism reported at Anna City Park

Vandalism at the Anna City Park again have surfaced as a matter of concern for officials in the Union County community.

The concerns were voiced at last week’s regular meeting of the Anna City Council. The meeting was Tuesday evening, Feb. 21, at Anna City Hall.

City administrator Steve Guined said that vandalism had occurred at the park during the weekend prior to the Feb. 21 council meeting.

The vandalism included throwing a picnic table in the pond at the park, spray painting of portable toilets and the driving of a vehicle on a playground. Three picnic tables also were stolen, Guined explained.

Vandalism at the park has been an ongoing concern for a number of years. City officials have been frustrated as they sought to deal with the matter.

The installation of security cameras has been discussed as a way to address the issue; however, the cost has been prohibitive.

The city administrator also shared some good news regarding the future of the park.

Guined said that bids were expected to go out soon for a major park improvement project. The project includes construction of a new concession stand/restroom facility.

The city is hoping to bid out the project in late March or early April. The project is scheduled to be completed by early August.

In other business at the meeting:

A resident of West High Street voiced frustration about a letter he had received regarding an alleged code violation.

The resident said the letter addressed a violation related to raking leaves into the street. 

He said the situation is frustrating because of the large number of leaves he has on his property without an adequate way to dispose of them. The resident said he works hard to keep up his property.

For many years, the city picked up leaves in the Union County community. That service was stopped several years ago when the city could no longer dispose of leaves at the now-closed landfill site due to environmental regulations.

City officials have been trying for some time to come up with a new way to dispose of leaves, twigs, brush and similar items.

Council member Al Kamp said he would share the resident’s concerns with Mayor Steve Hartline, who could not be present for the meeting.

The Gazette-Democrat

112 Lafayette St.
Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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