
<p class="p1">You know it's wet outside when a frog comes inside...</p><p class="p1">Last Thursday, in the early hours of a dark and stormy night (I've always wanted to use those four words in a real, live sentence), we opened the door to let the cat back inside. There was no...
<p class="p1">Goodness gracious. It's Thanksgiving already. What in the world has happened to 2015?</p><p class="p1">Last Thursday night, yours truly wandered into the Back 40, with flashlight in hand. I was on a mission to pick the final five or six green tomatoes which were...
<p class="p1">This week, some random thoughts, questions, meanderings and other witty observations...</p><p class="p1">Halloween was Saturday night. In keeping with tradition, The Other Half and yours truly sat out on our front porch and waited for our usual several hundred trick...
<p class="p1">Last Saturday was one of those rare and wonderful days that you wish wouldn't come to an end...</p><p class="p1">The Other Half and your intrepid observer of the Journey Through Life (that would be me) went on another one of our occasional time traveling adventures...
<p class="p1">Truth be told, it would have been hard to top the weather which Mother Nature provided last weekend for Union County's 2015 ColorFest celebration. </p><p class="p1">We had lots of sunshine and a bright blue sky. Saturday morning started a little bit cool, nothing...


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