This killdeer was quite content to have its picture taken. Yours truly spotted the feathered critter one morning recently near Cobden. I'm guessing that by its behavior, the killdeer may have had a nest nearby.Bubbling crude? Nah. Just some bubbles in a puddle of water. Guess I won't be moving to Beverly Hills, which really isn't where I wanted to be anyway.

Please read this...Random observations...thoughts...meanderings...

This week...a few random observations, thoughts and meanderings...

...all of you folks who have started mowing your lawns just need to stop doing that...RIGHT are making the rest of us look bad...

...perhaps you heard about this one...seems that regular folks will have an opportunity to take a trip to see the wreck of the Titanic...yours truly would love to make that journey...except for the fact the trip is going to cost something like $200,000...oh, well...

...while out for a stroll on a really breezy Sunday afternoon, the South Pole came to mind. Many years ago, yours truly was fortunate enough to have been able to visit Australia, which, as you know, is pretty far away...

...I think I've touched on this before, but one day while we were out experiencing a visit to the ocean in the Land Down Under, we were reminded that the cool breezes we were feeling had some sort of connection to the South Pole. Cool breezes from the south...go figure...

...Sunday's stroll, for whatever it's worth, included a stop at the Union County Museum in downtown Cobden...I wanted to check out an exhibit about World War I which is on display through the end of April at the museum...

...during my visit to the museum, I learned that Anna native Townsend F. Dodd played a rather important role in the development of our nation's military aviation history...

...information featured in the museum's exhibit noted that the War Department (now the Department of Defense) considered Dodd to be one of the "original military aviators...seems that he was first U.S. pilot to receive a Distinguished Service Medal...

...if you get a chance, pay a visit to the museum, check out the World War I exhibit (and the other exhibits, too) and learn a little bit more about the rich history of this place we call home...

...while I was checking out the exhibit, another visitor, who said she called Du Quoin home, was sharing some very positive comments about the museum...I could only agree with what she was saying...

...finally, I think...a popular television show came to mind while yours truly was on another one of his daily walkabouts during the past week...

...the weather was cool and blustery...heavy rain had fallen earlier in the day...

...while wandering through the park in the downtown area of the metropolis which we call home, I happened to notice bubbles in a puddle of rain water...

...closer inspection really did not offer any kind of a clue as to why a puddle of rain water was bubbling...and I did not see Jed Clampett anywhere close by...

...Mr. Clampett, those of you of a certain age may recall, was out one day hunting for some food to keep his family fed, took a shot...and up through the ground came a bubbling crude...

...again, if you happen to be of a certain age, you know the rest of the song, and the story... near as I could tell, there wasn't any bubbling crude to be seen in the puddle of rain water, which was a good thing...besides, I don't think I'd want to move to Beverly Hills anyway...

The Gazette-Democrat

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Anna, Illinois 62906
Office Number: (618) 833-2158

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