Cobden teen will play for U.S. soccer team

Almost 13-year-old Noah Treece of Cobden has been chosen to represent the United States on an all-star soccer team, which is scheduled to travel to Spain in November.

Noah, who plays on a club team in Carbondale, went to an evaluation camp in St. Louis, where Barcelona coaches chose a select few to represent the U.S. on an all-star team. 

Barcelona coaches traveled to nine different cities in the United States to select players for the all-star team.

“We were surprised and super excited,” said Jill Treece, Noah’s mother, about his selection to be a part of the team.

Noah has been playing soccer for about five years.

The tournament in Spain will take place over Thanksgiving break, Nov. 18-28.

Noah will stay at the Barcelona headquarters, meet with the team and coaches and watch the Barcelona soccer team play.

The all-star team will train most of the day and play games in the evening against other European teams while in Spain.

They also get to tour the stadium and go sight-seeing in Spain during their last days in European country.

Noah, along with his teammates, will undergo another evaluation by the Barcelona coaches at the end of the week in Spain.

“We are super proud of him,” Jill said.

Jill and her husband Chris Treece, get to travel with Noah and are currently planning fundraisers to help them to cover the costs of the trip.

There is a Noah Treece account that anyone can send donations to at Anna-Jonesboro National Bank.

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