Wildcat Youth Football camp off to good start

At the first night of the Wildcat Youth Football League’s annual football camp on Anna-Jonesboro Community High School’s practice field, members of the next season’s 7th and 8th grade team worked out as a team for the first time.

“I’m guessing we had around fifty or sixty kids at the camp tonight. Thirteen of them will be on the seventh and eighth grade team,” head coach Rollie Hawk said in a news release.  

“That’s not a bad start when we have a lot of kids out of town this time of year.”

“It’s not just that they are on family vacations, either,” Hawk said.  

“Some of them are away at things like summer wrestling tournaments and mission trips with their churches. Those are the kinds of young people you want playing for you, no matter what sport you coach.”

The 7th and 8h grade team began by working at various stations and drills with the younger athletes and towards the end broke off for some time to work among themselves.

“We’ve got some big kids and they can all move. That’s a good sign,” Hawk said.  

“I told them that no matter how big or small they are, they’re all going to be athletes. If we’re athletic, in good condition and stay inspired, we’ll find ways to win games. But more importantly, they are going to develop into good people and young leaders.”

Team Sign-ups 

The Wildcat Youth Football League’s 7th and 8th grade team plans to have sign-ups at the Transcraft building in Anna on Friday, July 21, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m.

All 7th and 8th grade students within Union County are welcome to sign up, with practice scheduled to begin during the week of July 24.

The Gazette-Democrat

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