
Main course? Guess it could be. Earthworms are high in protein, and are really easy to find. This one was already cooked, too...tasted like chicken...
WARNING: If you are squeamish about eating dead things, other than hamburger, Please DO NOT Read This. If you are a member, or supporter, of PETA, Please DO NOT Read This. A fellow traveler on The Journey Through Life passed through The Paragraph Factory one morning last week and mentioned...
Bad combination? A squirrel and wires. This bushy-tail paused for a photograph, then scampered off to do whatever squirrels do. Some, apparently, make bad decisions with wires and high-voltage situations. This image was "solarized," as opposed to a squirrel which may have been "energized" as the result of a bad decision which had nothing to do with a pink, drum-playing bunny.
First up this week: We had a Chuck spotting one day during the past week or so. You may recall, or you may not, from a previous colyum that we mentioned our buddy Chuck. Chuck is a woodchuck, or groundhog. Yours truly had spotted Chuck a number of times, but hadn't seen him in a while. Then, during...

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